Final Exam, the 2.5D side-scroller packed with frenzied action and caustic humor developed by Mighty Rocket Studios for XBLA, PSN and PC, is now unveiling Co-op mode (up to 4 players) with a Co-op trailer!
And the cherry on the baseball bat is the announcement that players can now also pre-order Final Exam on PC with an exclusive bonus: instant access to the early access version of the game on Steam, where they can play the very first chapter of Final Exam either solo or in Co-op mode up to 4 players!
Already fun in single-player, Final Exam takes on a whole new dimension in Co-op, as demonstrated by the new trailer that presents the gameplay features in 4-player mode: split your team up to achieve your objectives as quickly as possible, or stick together to increase your chances of survival against the waves of increasingly powerful and aggressive monsters. Playing with other players in Co-op mode opens up new combat opportunities: “juggle” with the monsters to deny them a single moment of respite, cover your team mates while they re-load that mighty rocket launchers, or protect them as they transport an item that will be critical for your next objective!
In Co-op mode, Final Exam has more explosions, more monsters and, above all, will once again provide wall-to-wall, unlimited fun!
Final Exam will be available on PC, PSN and XBLA in early November.
Official Website: http://www.finalexam-thegame.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/233190/
Co-op Trailer: