Nordic Games and The Farm 51 are pleased to announce a brand new trailer for their upcoming title Deadfall Adventures which is now also available to pre-order from Steam, priced £32.99 for Standard Edition and £39.99 for the Collector’s Edition.
The new cinematic trailer sets the mood for the mysterious adventuring before James Quatermain embarks on his journey to find the Heart of Atlantis.
Pre-Order Incentive: Pay the Standard Edition, get the Digital Deluxe Edition of Deadfall Adventures with exclusive content.
In Deadfall Adventures, players take on the role of James Lee Quatermain, as he and Agent Goodwin strive to be one step ahead of the Nazis and the Russians, one step closer to obtaining the Heart of Atlantis. Deep in the temples, where age-old guardians awake from their eternal slumber, James soon learns that his great-grandfather’s stories are not as crazy as he had always believed. For all things live forever, though at times they sleep and are forgotten.
Developed using Unreal Engine 3, Deadfall Adventures is full of spectacular jaw-dropping moments, as players battle natural and not-so-natural enemies across stormy deserts of Egypt to the icy depths of the Arctic and all the way to the steaming jungles of Guatemala. Assuming the role of adventurer Quatermain, players will encounter fiendish puzzles, deadly traps and stunning set pieces, making this one of the greatest adventures ever told – let alone played.
Official Website: http://www.deadfall-game.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/231330/
New CGI – Trailer: