Mutant Football League creator Michael Mendheim today announced that he will be working with Run Games, developer behind the highly anticipated action-sports game, Football Heroes, to develop Mutant Football League.
Football Heroes is a hard-hitting, fast-paced football game reminiscent of classic sports games like Tecmo Bowl and NBA Jam, but updated with modern visuals, a wide variety of customization options, and featuring key role playing game (RPG) elements, and a highly-addictive online game play mode.
Set to release on iOS and Android devices this fall and on PC next spring, Football Heroes will also be developed for the Xbox One entertainment system from Microsoft, and for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system.
“We are lucky enough to have found an elegant solution to our development risks. Not only is the game really fun, but the Football Heroes game engine is very flexible, so we are able to adjust it to fit the needs of Mutant Football League,” Said Michael Mendheim, creator of Mutant Football League. “This technology will help us create a better game that gets delivered faster than we could make happen on our own.”
The spiritual successor to the 1993 cult classic game and #1 hit, Mutant League Football, Mutant Football League features monsters and mutants battling it out in the most dangerous game in the galaxy. And now, two decades later, with even more bone-shattering hits, over-the-top gore, and one hell of a wicked tongue-through-cheek sense of humor, the Mutants are making their triumphant return to the field via Kickstarter, where the fans can help craft the game that they’ve been waiting for and get some sweet Mutant backer rewards in the process!
“We are huge fans of the original Mutant League Football, and this opportunity really swoons our fanboy hearts to no end,” said Michael A. Marzola, creative director of Run Games. “We are proud to provide the technology that will enable Michael and his team to create Mutant Football League. Now we just need help from the Kickstarter community to help make that dream become reality!”
Official Website: http://www.mutantfootballleague.com
Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mendheim/