Loading Bar Goes Back to the 60s for The Raven’s Third Installment

Loading Bar Goes Back to the 60s for The Raven’s Third Installment

To celebrate the release of A Murder of Ravens, the concluding episode of The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief trilogy, Nordic Games has teamed up with cult gaming bar Loading to launch a themed cocktail.

The drink, named The Raven, will be a double shot measure mini sloe gin fizz in honour of the era the game was set in – the 1960s – and, in recognition of the third episode launching, the drink will be free for a limited time to people who retweet or share the offer with their Facebook or Twitter followers, show the share to bar staff Loading bar and say “I’m a master thief”.

A Murder Of Ravens is a stimulating, charming and gripping chapter in The Raven – Legacy Of A Master Thief heist/whodunit adventure. Strong emphasis is placed on the narrative of this third chapter; the player needs to pay close attention to every detail as this will put their investigative skills to the test whilst keeping them guessing until the very end of the tale.

With a “final-chapter-discount” of -20%, the Standard Edition is currently priced £16.79 (regular price: £20.99), and £19.99 (regular price: £24.99) for the Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes the official soundtrack, ‘making of booklet’, story book and printable posters. When purchasing A Murder Of Ravens it will unlock the first chapter The Eye Of The Sphinx and also the second chapter Ancestry Of Lies instantly.

It will also be available later this year in digital format for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

Official Website: http://raven-game.com
Steam – (20% off): http://store.steampowered.com/app/233370
GoG: http://www.gog.com/game/the_raven_legacy_of_a_master_thief

Interactive Graphic Novel:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/the-raven-prologue/id652868287
Googleplay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.nordicgames
Browser-based: http://www.raven-game.com/ign-en/

Chapter 3 – Trailer:



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