X Rebirth – Launching November 15th on Steam

X Rebirth – Launching November 15th on Steam

Seven years in the making, X Rebirth is more than an evolutionary step for Egosoft’s X Universe series, it’s a rethink of what space simulations can be.

Tri Synergy and Egosoft are pleased to announce that X Rebirth will be released in North America on November 15th, 2013.

X Rebirth starts a new experience in the X universe with numerous gameplay innovations, a new game design and jaw-dropping graphics.

Why such a long gestation period?

  • Put in one word, that reason is scale. As Egosoft’s Studio Head Bernd Lehahn explains, “Our goal with the design of X Rebirth was to achieve a huge scale. I do not mean the physical size of the universe which is easy to increase. I am talking about a living, breathing futuristic universe crawling with life”
  • Call them details, but at the end of the day they matter, and make the universe real.

A supernova has changed the balance of power. As the universe rearranges itself, old alliances have fallen and new enemies have emerged. Enter Ren Otani, commander of the “Pride of Albion”, a ship with a glorious past. Together with your female co-pilot, face the challenges of a turbulent universe as you play a vital role for the future of the X Universe.

X stands for Trading

  • The backbone of all X games is a fully simulated economy based on supply and demand and within a complex geopolitical environment. Your actions in this universe matter to a degree never before seen in space simulations because every ship and station in this game Really does have a task. Shoot a destroyer or transport ship in this universe and somewhere its freight will not arrive causing a ripple in the economy.

X stands for Fighting

  • Battles in X Rebirth know no limits. While beginners start with one ship, experts will own fleets of ships comprised of all sizes and classes. Battles will be fought on every scale, from one-on-one skirmishes to epic winner-take-all engagements between fleets. Which faction you fight for is up to you. Be a pirate or work for the police, join the military or just fight for yourself.

X stands for Building

  • From trade stations to large factories, from farms to high tech military complexes – everything can be built by the player. As you progress through the game, you decide which stations to build in order to increase your influence and standing in the universe. For example, commercial stations can be built to earn money through trading, while military installations can be built to help win battles.

X stands for Thinking

  • A detailed and rich backstory, and a deep and complex plot awaits you. Players can choose to engage in the missions related to the plot, or to follow their own path. Either way, the universe awaiting them will always be fascinating and interesting to explore and experience.
  • Trade, Fight, Build, Think. Most importantly, X stands for the biggest sandbox in existence. The plot and the intricate background story never force any action upon the player. You have full freedom in an authentic universe where your decisions and actions truly make a difference.

Upcoming Events

  • -Egosoft will be presenting X Rebirth at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany on August 22nd through August 25th. Attendees will be able to play sections of the game at the Deep Silver booth in Hall 9.1 B11/C10.
  • -Egosoft’s Studio Head Bernd Lehahn will be hosting an AMA on Reddit to respond to all questions that fly their way. A date will be announced in the very near future.

Official Website: http://www.egosoft.com/games/x_rebirth/info_en.php

Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/2870/



Behind the Scenes:




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