Who doesn’t like helicopters and high-power explosives? Trick question. Everyone does. Thunder Wolves has more pyrotechnics than an ’80s hair-metal concert, and it’s coming to PSN in North America on August 13th, 2013.
Thunder Wolves is helicopter-combat inspired by classic arcade games and action flicks – back when plots were paper-thin, guns never needed reloading, and everything exploded on impact. And, with local co-op as a pilot and gunner duo, you and a friend can even double-team the opposition.
Adrenaline-junkie mercenaries for hire, the Thunder Wolves will take any mission head-on, destroying everything between them and victory.
- ● Helicopter flight-mechanics meet arcade-style action.
- ● Nine helicopters with individual strengths and weaknesses.
- ● 13 missions, from seek-and-destroy to stealth operations.
- ● Local co-op featuring one player as pilot, one as gunner.
- ● Destructible environments erupt in the onslaught of firepower.
Official Website: http://www.mwent.hu/games/thunder-wolves
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/232970/
Launch Trailer: