Head for remembermeremix.com and become part of the Remember Me Music Remix Contest which launches across Europe and North America today.
Based on the internationally acclaimed soundtrack for Remember Me by Olivier Deriviere, participants can download the track “Fragments” and all of its musical stems for free then remix it to create a brand new musical memory.
By entering a uniquely remixed tune contestants could be in the running to win a one of a kind vinyl LP featuring their winning track in a custom made sleeve with exclusive artwork from videogame developer DontNod Entertainment’s Art Director– Aleksi Briclot.
Winners will also receive a copy of the Remember Me videogame and gaming console of their choice, the official Remember Me artbook and assorted merchandise. There are two chances to win so contestants should get their entries in now!
Entries will be freely available to download from the music remix site and contestants can vote on their favorite, helping to crown the winner.
Remember Me is available now for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC across Europe and North America.
The Music Remix Contest will be held from July 1st to July 31st. The full terms and conditions can be found on the Remix site.
Remix – Official Website: http://www.remembermeremix.com