Big Red Barrel is proud to announce Faster Than Life, the brand new video game section of the Scottish Car Show. The Scottish Car Show is one of the largest driving events in the UK and together with Big Red Barrel, Faster Than Life will be one of the largest video game events in the UK and by far the biggest in Scotland.
After its most successful year to-date in 2012, the Scottish Car show arrives at the SECC later in July and Big Red Barrel is playing its part in delivering a gaming section tailor made for the driving enthusiast. A selection of driving games will be available to play for free, with a barrel full of prizes to be won on the day for the lucky 20,000 people expected to attend the show.
Faster Than Life will also feature a retro gaming section courtesy of Replay Events, who will provide a selection of some of the greatest driving games from yesteryear on classic and extremely rare gaming hardware.
“This will be the biggest live event that Big Red Barrel has ever rolled the red carpet out for and we aim to mark the occasion with an explosive celebration of the latest and greatest driving games” said Tim Hibbs, co-owner and content director of Big Red Barrel and organizer of Fast Than Life.
“We’ll have an exceptional line up to announce in the near future and we’ll also be taking the opportunity at Faster Than Life to spread the word about the great work done by top two gaming charities; Extra Life and Special Effect.
Official Blog: http://www.bigredbarrel.com/blog/
Scottish Car Show: http://www.scottishcarshow.com/show-attractions-stunts.htm
Replay Events: http://www.replayevents.com
Extra Life: http://www.extra-life.org
Special Effect: http://www.specialeffect.org.uk