Capcom’s Dungeon & Dragon’s : Chronicles of Mystara continues to be absent from Nintendo’s eshop after a release date of June 18th, 2013 was announced on their official website. Capcom’s official message board is rife with complaints from Wii U gamers looking for a plausible explanation for the delay.
Unfortunately, an official explanation has not been given. Capcom did state that Dungeons & Dragon’s: Chronicles of Mystara was undergoing ‘approval’ by Nintendo, but this was over a week ago. Another report claims that Chronicles of Mystara is experiencing syncing issues with the Wii U’s Gamepad, and until the issue is resolved, the game will not be released.
This still hasn’t calmed the gamers upset by the delay. Despite being a collection of emulated coin-op games, Wii U gamers have been dealing with a drought of releases, and this delay just adds to the frustration.
Nintendo may have a legitimate reason for delaying the release of Dungeons & Dragon’s: Chronicles of Mystara for Wii U, but keeping their gamers in the dark isn’t the best tactic, especially when a good portion of the Wii U game library has been either delayed or canceled.
The Wii U is a great console system with plenty of potential, but it seems like Nintendo is having a difficult time juggling the software issue that is currently plaguing its system. Hopefully, Nintendo will resolve this issue and find a way to keep their user base happy. Like many gamers. we’re pulling for you, Nintendo .
Mike Pittaro
If any version is better than the other, its bad programming, my cellphone, psp, xbox, ps2, and nintendo wii (although takes about 30 mins to load) can play these games.yeah i’m buying it, but they better be the exact same lol.