Rise of the Triad – Dev Diary #4 “Classic Tracks”

Rise of the Triad – Dev Diary #4 “Classic Tracks”

This Rise of the Triad update is all about the music. Original composer Lee Jackson is advising the fine folks at Interceptor Entertainment as they kick it up a few notches with a heavy and fast remake of the classic ROTT tracks.

Check out this new video, featuring new gameplay and an inside look into how the team and musician Andrew Hulshult are getting ludicrous with ROTT’s classic tracks.

While you’re at it, you might as well also check out this brand new track, Mist Ache, which is up on Soundcloud.

Official Website: http://www.riseofthetriad.net

New Soundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/rott-music/mist-ache-320kbps-mp3/s-k6fJv

Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/217140/

GmG: http://www.greenmangaming.com

GoG: http://www.gog.com

Developer Diary #4 “Classic Tracks:



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