Pantera Entertainment announced they will be adding support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset for 3D games to the upcoming Theme Park Studio. The advanced theme park and roller coaster builder for PC has generated excitement and acclaim among fans of the genre, and has reached over 40 percent of its Kickstarter goal in just 11 days, earning it a spot on the Kicktraq Top Ten. Support for the Razer Hydra motion sensing controller will be added if the Kickstarter goes beyond its initial goal and hits at least $85,000.
“We’re very excited to be at the point of merging of our 3D stereoscopic technology into Theme Park Studio. Imagine walking through your virtual theme park, waiting in line, getting in your coaster, and going on your favorite scream machine, all while being immersed in a stunning virtual experience in stereo 3D!” said Steve Fielding, president of Pantera Entertainment. “Oculus Rift lets players fine tune their 3D experience and slip into a world of their own creation and feel like they are actually there, while the Razer Hydra lets them actually reach out and interact in that world.”
“The Razer Hydra is a perfect interface for building rides and roller coasters because it allows the user to interact with the virtual world in 3D, with the position and orientation of each hand tracked in real time” said Amir Rubin, president and CEO of Sixense Entertainment, Inc., which developed the motion tracking technology that powers the Razer Hydra. “We believe that native support for the Razer Hydra in Theme Park Studio will make building more natural and intuitive for novices and enthusiasts alike.”
Pantera Entertainment has extensive background in stereoscopic integration, earning Platinum grades on GameGrade3D, and having received Nvidia’s 5 Star 3D Vision Ready rating. The Company also develops software for the medical industry, having created the Neuro-Vision Rehabilitator software, a product used to treat veterans with impaired vision and balance problems due to traumatic head injuries, as well as the ‘Computer Orthoptics VTS4,’ which uses 3D stereoscopic functionality extensively and is currently being used to treat patients with visual impairments.
Theme Park Studio is a powerful set of tools that allows players to build amazing theme parks of their own design. The simulator includes a robust coaster editor that is both easy to use and flexible, allowing rails to be bent, twisted, and shaped into almost any design imaginable. With brakes, accelerators, tunnels, and custom mesh, there is virtually no limit to what players can come up with. Prefabricated templates also provide the ease of click-and-drop designs.
Theme Park Studio Screenshots: