Guns of Icarus Online – Reaches Kickstarter Goal

Guns of Icarus Online – Reaches Kickstarter Goal

After a successful showing and Kickstarter launch at the PAX East show floor, Guns of Icarus Online passed its initial funding goal of $100,000 today, marking their third successful campaign to be crowd funded via Kickstarter.

The Guns of Icarus Online: Adventure Mode takes the combat engine of Guns of Icarus Online and adds large scale Player vs Environment (PvE) combat, player and ship progression, and much more to the acclaimed co-operative airship combat game.

This primary goal covers the costs associated with creating AI controlled ships, planes, and missions/maps dedicated to a PvE setting.

Adventure Mode has three fundamental pillars, each with its own funding target and each building on the previous goals.

These are:

  • AI Director (Funded!): At the heart of a good PvE experience is a smart, responsive AI that can go toe-to-toe with players and scale up or down on the fly to keep the experience challenging and entertaining. This pillar will enable the creation of co-op and solo missions to complement competitive PvP.
  • Econo-Political System: Adventure mode will add a world map of towns and trade routes, with six player factions and a fully dynamic resource economy. Missions are generated dynamically to help or hinder the towns and the factions that control them, depending on their circumstances and needs. Completing missions earns status in certain quarters and notoriety in others, enabling players to rise in the ranks of their chosen faction, unlock new opportunities and perks, and exert an even greater influence over the world.
  • World-Building Tools: A robust toolset is necessary to build an expansive world map with diverse and varied environments. This pillar involves the creation of new tools and processes to speed up the development of new maps and locales using a combination of procedural generation and manual composition. While the existing PvP maps have all been assembled painstakingly by hand, worldbuilding on the scale of Adventure Mode will require a whole new way of doing things.

Guns of Icarus Online is the premier airship combat game where up to 4 players man a single ship in their attempt to coordinate with their team to bring down the enemies in a variety of game modes. Adventure Mode expands on this format, creating a living online world with true player, town, and meta progression.

Kickstarter backers will receive some amazing rewards for their support, including the return of the ultra-popular Bullet USB, now in a polished aluminum style as well as the original brass.

Official Website:



Adventure Mode – Kickstarter:


Gameplay Trailer:



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