The latest installment of the Arma series, Arma 3 Alpha, has finally made its debut on the Steam Network. As a military simulation, this release is more realistic than its predecessor, Arma 2. And even though Arma 3 is still in the alpha stages, it will simply blow your mind.
Combat is fierce with intense firefights that will keep you pinned to the ground and sometimes completely disorientated. There are times when you don’t know which direction the enemies are firing from. If you felt the previous releases were intense, wait until you get your hands on Arma 3 Alpha.
This release is running the latest version of the Real Virtuality engine that was developed by Bohemia Interactive. There have been so many changes that you would swear it was a completely different engine.
These improvements include better ragdoll physics and 20km view distances. Even the vehicle physics have received a complete overhaul with the PhysX engine, so vehicles now control more realistically.
Players can now scuba dive in underwater environments, opening up new possibilities during multiplayer matches. These environments should help gamers create some impressive maps with the enhanced map designer/editor. You can only imagine the maps and mods that will make use of the scuba diving mechanic.
Arma 3 Alpha comes with two different multiplayer scenarios, along with customizable gear you can tailor to your liking. There are four different scenarios for single-player gameplay. These scenarios will show you the basics of infantry, scuba, vehicles and helicopter mechanics.
Even though Arma 3 Alpha is still in its alpha phase, it is shaping up to be a remarkable military simulation that offers a great deal of realism. We are looking forward to the final release.
James ‘Daripp3r’ Pittaro
Platform: PC (Currently in Alpha Phase)
Available on: Steam
Price: $32.99