Kartuga – Skill Trees Revealed

Kartuga – Skill Trees Revealed

InnoGames released new detailed information today about the skill tree system in the upcoming Action-MMOG Kartuga. Players pick from three classes at the beginning of the game to determine an overarching play style: Engineer, Protector and Destroyer. From there, complete customization is accomplished through the comprehensive skill tree containing over 80 abilities. It’s possible to head in the direction of specific strengths or create an all-arounder with this method, giving the action game an identifying RPG component.

After climbing to the next level, skill points are awarded to unlock abilities freely within the tree. Each class brings with it a unique skill tree – The Engineer breaks off into three sub-classes with various types of abilities: Tinker, Atlanticus and Buoy Master. Atlantics aids in healing friendly units, Tinker specializes in debuffing enemy skills, and Buoy Master attacks individual enemies, or accelerates allied units.

The Protector is the strongest class in defense, with a skill tree divided into Buwark – a heavy defender which is nearly unsinkable; Wrangler – which counts on melee skills like “Feel My Pain” and can always be found on the front line; and Suppressor – a slightly less armored sub-class, but features the precise and deadly “Watery Grave” skill.

The Destroyer possesses Raider, Ravager, and Brawler. The Raider is nimble and highly maneuverable.  In contrast, the Ravager has an “Aimed Shot” focusing mainly on distance shooting. The Brawler is the melee of the Destroyer builds. With its “Fiery Shield” and “Rapid Fire”, this sub-class has the ability to cause some real chaos.

Kartuga players always have the possibility to reset the entire skill tree and put the earned points into other abilites, allowing changes quickly and easily. The key is to find that perfect mix of speed and ruggedness, attack and defense that suits each pirate’s style of play.

Kartuga begins by choosing one of three customizable classes of ships to sail through a series of quests and missions.  Recently, InnoGames announced that players can already try out two PvP-modes in the closed beta: Domination, a variation of classic king-of-the-hill, and Destruction, a mode where a bomb has to be detonated in the enemy team’s base. Next to four PvP maps, five areas of the large open world of Kartuga are accessible, enabling players to encounter NPCs and solve various quests in between PvP-matches.

Official Website: http://www.kartuga.com




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