Indie adventure game Richard & Alice is now available via digital download portals, priced at just $5.99.
Created by former games journalist Lewis Denby and freelance writer Ashton Raze, Richard & Alice is a riveting mystery about family, desperation and the weather. It tells the story of two inmates in a curious future prison, and invites players to investigate the circumstances of their incarceration in a world where years of heavy snowfall have caused chaos around the globe.
Richard & Alice is available now for Windows PC. Get it at GOG.com, Desura and IndieCity.
Demo: http://www.richardandalice.com
GoG: http://www.gog.com/gamecard/richard_alice
Desura: http://www.desura.com/games/richard-alice
IndieCity: http://denbyraze.indiecity.com/projects/richardandalice