Leading online game publisher GamesCampus, today launches the next closed beta test for their colorful fantasy MMORPG, Legend of Edda: Vengeance. The game hosted a popular closed beta test at the end of 2012 and is now unleashing an additional closed beta test, bristling with all-new content.
“We’ve fine tuned every aspect of gameplay, from questing to class skills,” said Hubert Yee, Head of Marketing at GamesCampus. “We’ve also added three new gameplay elements which will move into the open beta test later this month.”
Legend of Edda: Vengeance‘s second closed beta test will run from today until February 25th, and players will be pleased with several changes and improvements requested during the initial closed beta test. With a level cap of 30, players will be able to experience the core features of the game in the short 11 days.
Sacred Wars will be running around the clock, allowing players many chances to enjoy what Legend of Edda is all about. Players can enter either level tier (3 to 19 and 20 to 30) in three different battle zones. Skyway, the most popular map thus far, will also be open twice daily for an all-out battle for all players above level 3! A new God Skill is now available to players, which can be unlocked with God Points and used in Sacred Wars, providing a temporary attack increase.
New Pets have been added for both PVE and PVP players, available now from the Beast Master and God Point NPCs. Pet items have also been unlocked, with more to come in open beta and beyond. Timed gifts, previously only rewarding Heath Potions, will now randomly distribute EXP Increase Potions and more. Also added is item crafting and disassembly — players may now craft weapons, armor, and accessories, as well as disassemble equipment for crafting and other useful materials!
Numerous events will also be taking place over the closed beta period, with a basket of love kicking off today, February 14th as players will be rewarded with items lovingly bestowed by GMs. All players who manage to reach level 20 during the beta period will unlock special prizes for use in the OBT! This is all in addition to random GM events, hangouts, and Q&As.
Official Website: http://Legendofedda.gamescampus.com