Leading online game publisher GamesCampus, today unleashes a new flashy video for their first browser title, Ecol Tactics Online! A turn-based browser strategy game, Ecol Tactics takes its inspiration from hallmark tactical role-playing games with a depth of story and customization not found in typical browser games.
“Ecol Tactics Online gives players the chance to dive into the classical tactics role-playing games that just aren’t available on the PC,” said Elliott Coward, Project Lead for Ecol Tactics Online. “A beautiful isometric world with pixel art characters, players will be amazed by how rich and immersive a browser-based MMO can really be!”
Ready to dive into the meat of Ecol Tactics Online? Check out the official teaser trailer which gives players a first glimpse at the first four mercenary classes, along with the quest system, the world map, the town of Vermonics, as well as getting a sneak peek at some of the terrifying and exciting foes awaiting your hero on the battlefield from the Tranquil Forest to the Aguray Meadows.
Ecol Tactics Online is a full tactical MMORPG experience, right in your browser – no downloads required! Control your character as you see fit; there’s no set class to get locked into. Stuck on a quest? No problem: just switch to a different class and try again, with absolutely no penalties. No more staring at spreadsheets or watching a stamina cooldown renew; play the game at your pace!
Official Website: http://EcolTactics.GamesCampus.com
Teaser Trailer: