Just when you thought you had seen the last of Serious Sam, he has decided to make a much welcomed return in Serious Sam: Double D XXL on Xbox LIVE Arcade, but THIS time he has left the first person shooter world behind and has set foot in the side-scrolling second dimension instead.
But don’t let this change of perspective scenery fool you because the action is still ridiculously over-the-top.
While you’ll find yourself in the thick of things of shooting wave after wave of relentless enemies (which are some of the strangest creatures I’ve seen yet.), don’t forget to also explore your surroundings for hidden goodies along the way.
And should you find yourself growing weary of being on solo missions, be sure to grab a buddy for even crazier co-op action or change the pace a bit and take on some challenges.
SS: DDXXL is loaded and then some with awesome weaponry to upgrade and stack to make for some serious (pardon the pun) bad-assery here, not to mention there’s plenty of secrets to find that will definitely satisfy your exploring curiosity.
Plus, there are lots of all-new features to make things even more interesting. With there being tons of action, tons of features and items to unlock, and yes – tons of blood (which you can tone down if you’re the squeamish type), SS: DDXXL certainly promises to be tons of fun.
Be on the lookout when Serious Sam has his guns stacked and a-blazing come February 20th.
Platform: XBox 360 (XBox Live Arcade)
Developer: Mommys Best Games & Developer Digital
Publisher: Mastertronic Group, Ltd.
ESRB: M (Mature)
Launch Date: February 20, 2013