Today, InnoGames released the iOS-Version of Grepolis Toolbox. The free app can be used with any Grepolis account and is compatible with all iPhone versions.
The Toolbox gives players access to essential game functions, and features push notifications of incoming attacks – giving players the chance to react, even when in transit.
InnoGames already released the Toolbox for Android this past July. In the future, the German developer plans to launch a full functionality Grepolis app which allows players to perform any action that is possible in the browser game.
Grepolis is a strategy game set in Ancient Greece. In the free browser-based title, players are tasked with building up a vast metropolis and uniting with other players to establish a powerful military and conquer far away islands. Currently it boasts over 18 million registered users and is playable in 22 languages.
Official Website: http://www.innogames.com/en/games/Grepolis
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/grepolis-toolbox-strategy/id561674199
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.innogames.grepolite&hl=de