The Grinns Tale – Super Makeover Contest – Now Live

The Grinns Tale – Super Makeover Contest – Now Live

The Extreme Grinn Super Makeover Contest is underway, offering fans of The Grinns Tale the opportunity to design the next in-game costume.

In addition to a fat stack of 100 Pramins to spend at the in-game store, the winning contestant will have his or her design put into the game as a permanent costume. The winning costume will be made available to all players free of charge.

Not an artist? Not a problem. All entries will be judged on concept over quality, and early submission range from collages to custom illustrations. So, whether you’re working with professional painting software or paper and a box of crayons, everyone has a shot at winning.

The deadline for entering is December 12, 11:59pm PST. Official rules can be found at The Grinns Tale forums.

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