A Game of Dwarves – New Content Now Available

A Game of Dwarves – New Content Now Available

It’s that lovely time of the year where the foliage turns different hues of red and brown, and woodland creatures are preparing to stay tucked inside for the winter months ahead. The dwarf is no exception to this longstanding rule of Mother Nature’s.

Paradox Interactive and Zeal Games Studios today released footage chronicling the life of the dwarf during this time of change as they prepare themselves for the blustery snow-filled time of year.

As the Earth’s four-legged animals gather nuts and berries, dwarves collect their own necessities for the winter by packing away freshly produced DLC into their cozy underground habitats, such as:

  • [Free] Halloween DLC – themed items for the holiday
  • [Free] Natural Tiles DLC – decoration pack for walls and floors
  • [$1] Graveyard DLC – commemorative items to honor fallen dwarves

These new DLC packs can be found in the title’s in-game store. To start creating your own underground fortress, purchase A Game of Dwarves from the retailers listed on the official site.

Step into the world of the dwarf, if you haven’t already, with dwarf naturalists Fred Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive, and Jörgen Björklund, Senior Producer at Paradox Interactive, as they delve into A Game of Dwarves during a live stream event occurring on November 1 at 7pm GMT / Noon 12pm PDT.

To view the broadcast, tune into the official Twitch TV channel for Paradox Interactive.

Purchase: http://www.agameofdwarves.com/buy

Twitch.tv: http://www.twitchtv.com/paradoxinteractive




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