Today InnoGames launched the first 2.0 world in its frontier adventure browser game The West. The new world is called Dakota; older worlds will be updated tomorrow. The new version includes, among other features, a completely redesigned and highly interactive map, an overhauled job system and a clean, modern interface. The West 2.0 has been the biggest and most extensive update of the game since its release.
Prior to the release, the update has been thoroughly tested on the game’s beta servers, where players gave vital feedback. Most enhancements came from actively communicating with the game’s community, which was involved in 2.0 since the planning stage. Therefore, many requested features were implemented – without changing the core aspects of the game.
The West is a role-playing browser game set in the Wild West. Players are placed on a hunt for adventure, gold and fortune. Cowboys and cowgirls partake in interesting and exciting stories, help settlers and collect bounties.
Official Website: http://www.innogames.com/en/games/The-West