Guardians of Middle-Earth – Gameplay Footage

Guardians of Middle-Earth – Gameplay Footage

Warner Bros. has released a new Battle Profile gameplay video for Guardians of Middle-earth. The Battle Profile features the White Lady of Rohan, Eowyn, a true Shieldmaiden who fights to defend Middle-earth with her sword skills that rival any Rohirrim and Mozgog, an Orc who can stay in the fight long after others would have bled out. Every swing of Mozgog’s terrible sword may be the end of an enemy, since Orc warriors like Mozgog are by definition, treacherous and brutal enough to claw their way into a position of power.

The Battle Profile videos featuring Eowyn and Mozgog, along with character images, bios and overview of abilities.

In addition, the Guardians of Middle-earth Facebook page is hosting a Middle-earth costume photo contest, with participants competing for the grand prize, a Guardians of Middle-earth customized Xbox 360.

Gameplay Footage:



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