Spicy Horse Entertainment, a Shanghai-based developer responsible for developing games for mobile, online, console, and PC platforms, announced that its game BigHead BASH is officially out of beta and live for all browsers through Spicy Horse’s own Spicy World and via Armor Games, Kongregate, and Facebook.
BigHead BASH is a realtime player-versus-player deathmatch game pitting collectible toys against each other in zany combat environments. Spicy Horse’s innovative multiplatform technology means all players from all platforms can play together on a single set of servers for all platforms and portals.
The launch features Andox and Box from “Happy Camp”, one of China’s most popular shows, player-created content placed into the game by Spicy Horse, and politicans like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and Ron Paul.
Spicy Horse will be licensing leading IPs from around the world for use in the game, from popular TV characters to famous faces from music and comics.
Other future additions to BigHead BASH include new maps, new game modes, and a “Make it Now” button enabling players to purchase selected models in the game, then receive a physical copy of the toy at their home.
BigHead BASH Screenshots: