The Epic Story continues in Riders of Rohan, the next major expansion to The Lord Of The Rings Online.
Developed by Turbine, Riders of Rohan is the next expansion pack for the award-winning free-to-play online role-playing game, The Lord of the Rings Online. The new pack delivers an interactive experience brimming with life, memorable characters, places and monsters from the most famous story of all time..
Frodo was warned, the power of the One Ring is all-consuming, and even friends can succumb to its temptation. Take part first-hand in the iconic moments that lead to the breaking of the Fellowship through new session-play experiences. Witness Frodo Baggins wrestle with the decision of which path to take on his way to Mordor. Experience the fall of Boromir, son of Gondor, and his ultimate redemption as the Fellowship is split in three, and irreversibly swept toward their own destinies.
Riders of Rohan increases the level cap to 85 and introduces Mounted Combat to the game. Players can now take up arms alongside the lords of Rohan and ride their own custom steed in pursuit of Uruks and Orcs that are terrorizing townships and travelers, rebuild & reclaim supplies for the small outposts and towns throughout the countryside, discover what happened to the Fellowship and stand in service to Éomer,
Third Marshal of the Mark, as he seeks to counter the dangers that beset the Riddermark.
Riders of Rohan launches globally on October 15th.
The Sound of Rohan – Trailer: