Blue Giant Interactive Goes To War on Distant Planet.
There is a new real-time strategy game in the universe and it’s all about humans fighting machine-like aliens.
It’s a science fiction epic from independent Indian studio Blue Giant Interactive and it will show you new ways to think about the dangers of poking your head into spaces you may not be ready for.
In the “Tryst” story campaign, two rival mining expeditions come to blows as misunderstandings, rivalries and competition for resources heats up. The human explorers have to learn to adjust to the amazingly adaptable Zali – a life form whose machine like properties enable them to adapt to almost any circumstance as well as excel at a chosen task.
“Tryst’s” innovative Path system will challenge you to develop your forces along the most suitable track for success on the battlefield while you prepare for unknown dangers in the fog of war.”
You can get “Tryst” now on Steam for $24.99.
Official Website: http://www.trystgame.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/208460/