Realms of Ancient War – Cooperative Mode

Realms of Ancient War – Cooperative Mode

Console players will get their Hack’n’Slash fill this year! RAW – Realms of Ancient War is getting ready for a prompt arrival next week on consoles. It will be available on September 19th on Xbox LIVE and the European PlayStation Network, and September 25th on the American PlayStation Network. The PC version is planned for a slightly later release (October 4th to be exact).

A true and pure Hack’n’Slash that offers intense and challenging combat all while displaying an impressive number of enemies onscreen, RAW multiplies the fun and visual spectacle in cooperative mode. In this co-op mode, two players may join forces to face hordes of monsters, some of whom show their menacing faces in today’s video!

In this great co-op adventure, friends may join any time in the game to lend a hand in assaulting monster hordes of growing strength! Co-op play maximizes team strengths and optimizes all attack tactics. While a Warrior distracts the enemy in melee battle, the Wizard is free to cast his most powerful spells in safety! Good coordination will be required, as the monsters in cooperative mode will be stronger than the monsters in the single player mode!

RAW – Realms of Ancient War will be released on Xbox LIVE and European PlayStation Network on September 19th, American PlayStation Network on September 25th, and PC on October 4th

Cooperative Trailer:



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