Rekoil – Now up on Greenlight

Rekoil – Now up on Greenlight

Greenlight has launched, completely changing the way independent developers get their game on Valve’s digital distribution platform.

We couldn’t be happier that Rekoil is now up on Greenlight; with its tight multiplayer game and extensive mod support, it’s a game that’s built on community.

Given how much fun people were having with Rekoil on the PAX floor, it’s about time we let some more folks in on Rekoil’s no-nonsense gameplay.

Beta signups have now opened, and to get in, gamers just need to complete a few easy steps:

  1. Like/Favorite Rekoil on Steam Greenlight
  2. Take a screenshot to show that Step 1 is complete.
  3. Send the screenshot to
  4. Wait for a beta key!

Official Website:

Pax Trailer:



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