Paradox Interactive has several new pieces of news and media to share from War of the Roses, their upcoming medieval squad combat title. The publisher, who is attending Gamescom in Cologne, has been tempted several times to deal with the bustling crowds by climbing onto a horse and carving a path across the convention floor with a lance.
Instead, those frustrations will be dealt with in the game, against the endless hordes of combatants who have signed up for the beta test. Thus far, over 100,000 gamers have added their names to the beta roster, and today, Paradox Interactive will begin to let those players onto the battlefield as the first wave of beta keys are issued.
Furthermore, today Paradox Interactive announced the date that War of the Roses will become available for pre-order. Players will be able to reserve their copies at the finest purveyors of quality games and livestock on August 20th, 2012.
“It’s a real testament to the hard work that Fatshark has put into the game, that over 100,000 people have signed up for the Beta,” said Gordon Van Dyke, Senior Producer for War of the Roses.
“The level of enthusiasm that people have had to start playing has been incredible, and we can’t wait to hear what they think once they’re actually in the game. Our goal right now is to make sure every last person who signed up gets into the beta, but forging 100,000 swords takes a while. We’ll be letting folks in, following the priority order we’ve set, and I’ll see every last one of you on the battlefield!”
A new behind-the-scenes development video has also been released for War of the Roses, featuring more of the team’s painstaking research into the history surrounding this brutal battle.
Sign up for the beta here: http://beta.waroftherosesthegame.com/
Behind The Scenes Episode#2: