Mad Riders – “Making the Perfect Trailer”

Mad Riders – “Making the Perfect Trailer”

Making trailers has always been an extremely scientific process. Much like my high school chemistry course, it came down to numbers… and ingredients… and more numbers. Here on the Mad Riders team, we have dedicated years (read: a lot of days) on making sure that our launch trailer is perfect. Better than perfect. Perfecter.

“But what is science, if it is not shared with the world?” is a question that our trailer engineers ask themselves on a daily basis while writing figures on a room filled with chalkboards. We’re here not only to deliver an arcade-style racing game to fulfill the adrenaline junkie in you (don’t lie we know it’s there). However, we can discuss that lesson on Tuesday.

Today’s lesson is “How to Make the Best Possible Trailer Ever 101.”

Now we could go into a full semester of teaching the key features of scientifically building a trailer. One day could even be dedicated to ensure your trailer has the appropriate music; actually, we could probably do a whole week on the importance of drum and bass beats. But, this lesson is better seen as a process.

Launch Trailer:



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