Dungeon Defenders: Lost Eternia Shards Part III – Now Available on PSN & XBLA

Dungeon Defenders: Lost Eternia Shards Part III – Now Available on PSN & XBLA

The epic Dungeon Defenders quest continues with The Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part III: Aquanos DLC, available now on Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam for 320 Microsoft points and $3.99 respectively! Set in the submerged ruins of Aquanos, a fallen metropolis deep underwater, you must defeat the Sharken, who’ll barrel through your defenses, Fish Wyvern, the Kraken and more, to find the yellow shard and get one step closer to rescuing your parents!

Can you solve the Riddle of the Deep challenge mission, and survive while water floods Aquanos’ protective shell? Find out with an all new campaign mission, challenge mission and PvP battleground, as well as a slew of new water-themed weapons, the Kraken boss, Fish Wyvern & Sharken enemy and a new pet!

Dungeon Defenders is one of the fastest selling downloadable games of all time. Bringing together the best elements of tower defense and action-RPG progression, it allows players to team up and fight across 15 unique maps, 30 challenges and four difficulty settings in all of the game’s loot-raiding, spell-casting, level-up stacking glory.

Players control one of four distinct heroes in an epic bid to fight back an ancient evil. Each character comes with special functions, and players can create and customize/upgrade an armory of weapons and equipment.

Dungeon Defenders is rated E 10+ by the ESRB and is available for download now on Xbox LIVE Arcade for 1,200 MSPoints and on Steam and PlayStation Network for $14.99.




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