Gamers wanting to play online with their friends with last year’s KOF game, The King of Fighters-i, will be pleased with SNK PLAYMORE’S latest release. The King of Fighters-i 2012 allows online play via Friend Versus and Rank Versus using Bluetooth functionality or Wi-Fi.
In addition to these new features, four new teams have been added, including Art of Fighting, Pyscho Solider, Team Kim, and Team Ikari. This brings the total number of playable fighters to 32.
The King of Fighters-i 2012 can be enjoyed via Game Center, both in ‘Rank Versus’ mode, in which player ranking varies depending on the total number of victories and losses, and in ‘Friend Versus’ mode, where the player’s ranking is not reflected. A new ‘Time Attack’ mode is also available where players must win 10 matches as fast as possible.
Additional features like ‘Ending Movies’ for each default team, new challenges, trading cards and illustrations are also available.
THE KING OF FIGHTERS-i 2012 App is available for $6.99 from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore. Additional characters, including ‘NESTS-Style KYO’ and ‘IORI with the Power of Flames’ are available for $1.99 each through In-App Purchase.
The King of Fighters-I 2012 Screenshots: