Dungeon Defenders: Lost Eternia Shards Part III – Now Available on PC

Dungeon Defenders: Lost Eternia Shards Part III – Now Available on PC

The latter half of the epic Dungeon Defenders DLC pack, the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards, is upon us with Part III: Aquanos. Available now on PC and coming soon to consoles, Part III takes place in the underwater ruins of Aquanos, a fallen metropolis deep in the ocean. Do your part to help the young defenders recover the yellow Eternia Shard in hopes of saving Eternia’s heroes!

A mysterious blue bubble surrounds the city of Aquanos to give the warriors air to breathe, but in the Riddle of the Deep challenge mission, water starts to flood the protective casing, and our heroes must solve an aquamarine puzzle to keep from drowning. With these two new missions comes a haunting new PvP battleground, Shipwreck Graveyard, as well as a slew of new water-themed weapons, the Kraken boss, and a new pet.

Get Dungeon Defenders on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/65800

Get the Eternia Shards Complete DLC here: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/12994




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