Dead or Alive 5 – Gameplay Footage

Dead or Alive 5 – Gameplay Footage

Today Team NINJA announces two new murderous assassins to the fighting roster for the brawler Dead or Alive 5 set for release September 2012 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Christie and Bayman return to the Dead or Alive series and have been redesigned in incredible lifelike detail that conveys every facet of their new character designs.

Their unique play styles have been finely honed and perfected to elevate the battle across the intense new dynamic blockbuster stages. To premier these two new characters Team NINJA releases new images of the characters and a video vignette showcasing both in a vibrant new backdrop.

Christie, a British female assassin, is a cold-blooded, merciless woman. She possesses the perfect qualities for an assassin with Shequan (Snake Fist) style. While dodging attacks she approaches her enemies in a snake like manner – faster than the eye can see, in a single blow she brings her opponents to their demise.

Bayman, a man of few words, was formerly an assassin. A “hold” specialist who fights with the combat style of Sambo, a Russian military hand-to-hand combat technique, Bayman carries out his tasks with the utmost perfection. He heads to the battlefield now as a soldier with one mission… ultimate victory.

Christie and Bayman meet again on the all new Hot Zone stage. An army helicopter lingers overhead amassing clouds of sand that envelop the epic battle. Inside the decrepit building armored militants await with RPGs.

As the brawl reaches its threshold, another life threatening “fight” unfolds – an RPG missile causes the army helicopter to crash and explode upon the challengers. Players can create a strategic benefit from this event through precise timing to launch a Power Blow. In turn, the crashed helicopter becomes a “Danger Zone” that players can use to their advantage.




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