Naval War: Arctic Circle – What Warship are You?

Naval War: Arctic Circle – What Warship are You?

As armchair commanders from around the world prepare to set sail and fire torpedoes in Naval War: Arctic Circle, the master tacticians and designers at Turbo Tape Games and Paradox Interactive have established a new home base for the upcoming wargame. Naval War: Arctic Circle is a realistic real time strategy game about modern naval warfare, and all the information you need to stay up-to-date on the game’s status and continuing improvements can now be found at:

As the game’s April 10th release date approaches, Paradox and Turbo Tape want to know: What warship are you?

Take the Naval War: Arctic Circle – What Warship are YOU? Quiz and find out what role suits your personality in the fleet engagements of life!

It takes a hearty soul to brave the cold and the dark of the north, waiting for something to happen and then dreading the moment comes…Are you able to take one these missions by yourself or are you the type that travels best in a pack?

Are you a mighty aircraft carrier, queen of the ocean and mistress of a seascape that spans hundreds of miles? Are you a submarine, silently and slowly moving into position so you can strike while surrounded by enemies? Are you a frigate, the workhorse of the fleet guarding more valuable vessels and exposing yourself to the first missile strikes?

Naval War: Arctic Circle comes to you from Paradox Interactive and Turbo Tape Games on April 10, 2012 for a recommended retail price of $19.99.

Do you think you have what it takes to seize control of the riches of the North Atlantic? Are you brave enough to risk everything to change the world’s balance of power in your favor?




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