After weeks of anticipation, Nexon Europe is pleased to announce that today a brand new playable character Karok arrives in Vindictus, the ultimate free to play action-RPG.
Karok: The Pillar of Strength
As of today, players will be able to experience the mighty force that is Karok. Appearing suddenly amongst the residents of Cohlen and Rocheste, this gentle giant arrives in a shroud of ambiguity. Although seemingly placid, any questions raised as to his origins are enough to make this man mountain see red.
Those wishing to unravel the mystery of Karok will need to be patient for now, and satisfy themselves with the plethora of new moves at their disposal, such as the War Slam, Earthquake, and Pillar Charge.
Although slow-moving, Karok has the durability to withstand the strongest of foes, and provides a great shelter for your party.
Perhaps it is fitting then, that arriving the same day as Karok is the giant thunder-lizard Thor. Expect the sewer dwelling reptile to cause all kinds of havoc, and to put your newly-adopted character to the test right from the start!
Cometh the man, cometh the Updates
To celebrate the arrival of Karok, Nexon Europe are bringing a wealth of new updates and features to Vindictus. Brand new Legendary Weapons will become available in the Mercenary Surprise Update- this is your chance to obtain such fantastic pieces as the +10 Hateful Dreamwalker Staff, The +10 Maelstrom Silent Shadow, and the +10 Chiulin Twin Spears.
Nexon has also been keeping a close eye on users who have been using hacked and modified weapons, and these items have now been removed from the game. Be warned, those deceptive users will find themselves disappearing as suddenly as Karok arrived!
As a bonus, huge rewards are in store for players who take down Thor, create and raise Karok to levels 15 and higher, and those who choose to post screenshots of their Triple sSs onto the Nexon EU forums.
Each separate action yields its own reward, and there are even further updates on the way! Players can now expect to be able to use more characters on their account, as the maximum level of available slots has just risen to six.
Sung Jin Kim, Nexon Europe’s CEO, commented “We are truly proud to be providing European players with the most important update Vindictus has had since launch. We hope these fantastic new features bring a smile to your faces”.