In advance of the royal coronation that is the release of the strategy/RPG Crusader Kings II on February 14, Paradox Interactive have today announced that the pre-order campaign has begun!
The Crusader Kings II pre-order includes free bonus content for all loyal subjects: a full game in Crusader Kings Complete, along with two additional DLC packs;
Crusader Kings II Mongol Families DLC
The Mongol Families DLC contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Mongol cultures. It also contains seven new unit sprites for Archers, Horse Archers, Heavy Infantry, Pikemen, Light Infantry, Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry.
Crusader Kings II Dynasty Shield DLC
Containing 50 unique dynastic shields for the 50 most famous families of Medieval Europe
Pre-order Crusader Kings II here:
In addition to the pre-order bonus, a playable demo for Crusader Kings II has also been released and can be downloaded here:
Crusader Kings II is slated for a launch on February 14th 2012 for 39,99 USD