Just before the holidays, game studio ISOTX announces new features in Iron Grip: Marauders. After launching a big expansion just a few weeks ago, ISOTX wants to spoil their players with even more new features such as… Factions and ALLIANCES!!
- ◊ Before the latest expansion the only opponent you could fight was militia. With the latest Player vs. Player (PvP) expansion, ISOTX added a whole new dimension to the game, allowing players to fight against each other. In this expansion there are more opponents introduced to fight against in the known raids, smuggle missions and Boss attacks. In addition to the Militia you can now fight the Mortt Queen with her followers, first introduced in the quests. This time she will be tougher, slimier and more surprising than before.
- ◊ Another new faction to fight against is the Baron faction. You may have met some of these units recently during the Trader quests. In this build ISOTX expands the complete faction with multiple new Baron units such as the Baron Barrage Cannon, the Baron Artillery Walker, the Baron Rocket Tank and many others that are hard to defeat.
- ◊ A brand new feature, which is already embraced by the players, is the option to gather with friends in an Alliance. Players can make their own Alliance with a unique name and flag to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, the Alliance possesses a private chat board that can only be used by members. By donating gold, the Alliance membership can be expanded and extra radio tapes can be purchased to improve the private chat. The rank is based on the current standings on the leaderboard of all the members combined. The basics of the Alliance are well thought through and provide a broad variety options for expansion in the near future, so let your imagination run free!
New Units
- ◊ Besides the new units for the new opponent factions, there are also new units to use in your own army. The long-awaited and feared Ironclad Walker shall make its debut, and could cause a whole new tactical upgrade in your private army. Next to the Ironclad Walker some existing units are available at higher levels, allowing for more researchable units and providing more advanced strategies to be used during your battles.
PVP Medals
- ◊ After fighting Player vs. Player battles, nothing is more interesting than being rewarded for your wins. For this PvP Medals are introduced, which can be earned by fighting different players and winning ten or more PvP battles.
Friend Invite
- ◊ The friend invite feature is a subtle addition to the game, whereby you can invite your friends to play with little effort. Send an email from your profile page and ask your friends to play Iron Grip: Marauders. As a reward the player who sends the invitation gains extra resources. Open an Alliance together, team up against Bosses and defeat all the different factions together.