Dungeon Defenders – Eternia Shards – Now Available on Steam

Dungeon Defenders – Eternia Shards – Now Available on Steam

Dungeon Defenders Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards: Part 1 Available Now on Steam, December 21 on XBLA & PSN

Ready to leave your castle’s confines and venture into the world of Etheria?

Trendy Entertainment, Reverb Publishing, and D3Publisher are about to unleash the first part of downloadable content (DLC) for its exceedingly addictive and successful downloadable title, Dungeon Defenders. The DLC will be available on PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 on December 21st, and Steam today for only $3.99 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/204381/). As part one of the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards, gamers everywhere can now finally take their first look outside of their castle and into the rest of the vivid Dungeon Defenders universe.

Each quest will take players through an entirely new campaign map, a new PvP map, and a new challenge mission with new story cinematics, enemies, 10 all new weapons, a new pet, a new boss, and more! When gamers complete the quest, even more secrets may await.

A Complete Pack of all 4 parts of the Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards is available now on Steam for a limited time for only $9.75 (retail $12.99). Purchasing this will grant players access to the content as it releases as well as early access to Nightmare Mode. Nightmare Mode is an even harder difficulty mode which will eventually unlock for PC owners of all 4 DLC packs and incorporate all of the new enemies into the full campaign. Complete Pack owners will get to try out Nightmare Mode with these enemies as they are released.

Note: The 10 new weapons and pet will be patched into the Console version in the first patch early next year.

Dungeon Defenders is one of the fastest selling downloadable games of all time. Bringing together the best elements of tower defense and action-RPG progression, it allows players to team up and fight across 15 unique maps, 30 challenges and four difficulty settings in all of the game’s loot-raiding, spell-casting, level-up stacking glory. Players control one of four distinct heroes in an epic bid to fight back an ancient evil. Each character comes with special functions, and players can create and customize/upgrade an armory of weapons and equipment.




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