Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (Review) Xbox 360

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (Review) Xbox 360
Review Score:

Metal Gear Solid has only appeared once on the Xbox system during its entire history as Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. While not necessarily the best in the series, it broke the long-running tradition of MGS being a Playstation exclusive.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for Xbox 360 contains three full games from the MGS series – Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater, and Peace Walker. The collection spans two discs. As a collection, it doesn’t really matter which game you start with since the stories do not interconnect. Gamers familiar with all three games already know what to expect since each game plays identically to its original incarnation.

Sons of Liberty is broken down into two segments – the Manhattan Tanker Incident and the Big Shell Incident. Upon starting the game, there are options to play both segments or each one individually. If you are new to the Metal Gear Solid series, it’s best to select either Very Easy or Easy as your difficulty level the first time through. Veterans will want to select either Normal or Hard.

The Manhattan Tanker Incident takes place on the Hudson River. A new amphibious Metal Gear has been constructed and it’s Snake’s job to take photographs of the new technology and expose it. Since the new Metal Gear is being guarded by the US Marines, Snake is instructed to use non-lethal methods to complete his mission. But before he can start, the tanker is invaded by Russian terrorists. While the objective to photograph the new Metal Gear doesn’t change, Snake feels compelled to also uncover the identity of the hijackers.

Like the other games in the compilation, the classic gameplay of Sons of Liberty has remained intact. The sneaking mechanics still work flawlessly as you creep through corridors and tranquilize Russian terrorists. Locker doors still knock Snake off his feet when they are punched off their hinges, and the clearing squads still cause your adrenaline to pump as they search for your whereabouts. The controls work well on the Xbox 360 controller despite being designed for the Playstation 2 a decade ago.

The Big Shell incident introduces Raiden, a new member of FOXHOUND, to the MGS universe. Raiden’s mission objective is to infiltrate the Big Shell and rescue the President of the United States from the Sons of Liberty, a terrorist organization that is demanding thirty million dollars in exchange for its hostages. Gameplay is identical to the Manhattan Tanker segment, with Snake making appearances as Plisken.

Snake Eater takes place during the cold war inside the Soviet Union. Fox operative Naked Snake is sent into the Soviet jungle to rescue a weapons designer (Sokolov) and sabotage an experimental super weapon (The Treading Behemoth, or the Shagohod, as it is commonly referred to).

Snake Eater is a major departure from previous games in the series.  For starters, Snake is placed in the Soviet jungle miles away from his objective. In previous installments, he is either at the extraction point or within close proximity of it.

A camouflage system helps to decrease Snake’s visibility while crawling through the underbrush . This system includes woodland, black, and splitter face paint with uniforms to match. There’s even a mask to change Snake’s identity, if necessary.

For injuries, a Cure system is used to patch up cuts, disinfect and suture deep wounds, and splinter broken limbs. Snake’s performance is based on how well he is treated. Missing one vital step in the treatment process could spell disaster.

Since the events in Snake Eater take place in 1964, the story focuses on The Boss (Snake’s mentor) and her defection to the Soviet Union. Colonel Volgin’s desire to complete Sokolov’s super weapon, the Shagohod, is also of great importance.

The last game in the collection is Peace Walker, which was originally a Playstation Portable (PSP) release. The events in Peace Walker take place in Costa Rica circa 1974, just ten years after Snake Eater. Snake (now known as Big Boss) starts his own mercenary group after breaking away from The Patriots group founded by Major Zero.

Some changes were made to the gameplay since Snake Eater. Again, stealth is important during missions, but instead of using non-lethal methods and having only a tranquilizer gun, Snake is equipped with a heavy arsenal that consists of an M16A1, hand grenades, and a stun rod.

The tactical concept has also been taken to a new level. Everything is controlled from the Mission Base. There’s a waiting room to hire new recruits as they become available. These recruits can be added to your combat unit or R&D team. The more people that are staffed in R&D, the more technology they will produced (i.e. weapon upgrades, new weapons, etc.). Missions, unlocked cut scenes, and map information are also selectable from the Main Base via a menu. An online co-op feature is also present if you wish to play with a friend.

Peace Walker’s gameplay is a mixture of standard Metal Gear and comic book QTE (Quick Time Events) that double as cinemas. It is important to pay attention to the cinemas as they unfold; you never know when a QTE will appear.

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is a fan’s dream come true. While the games in this collection were designed for a previous console generation, the smooth textures  and sharp resolution revitalizes a series that no MGS fan should be without.

Mike Pittaro
Xbox 360
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
ESRB: T-M (Teen-Mature)
Price: $49.99

Konami’s Website

Review Score
Some games don't look the part, but that isn't the case here. The remastered graphics look incredible. Konami should be commended on a job well done.
Some of the best music ever heard in a video game.
This collection is not only fun, but addicting.
The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is worth owning. It offers improved graphics, co-op play (in Peace Walker), and some of the best classic gameplay you will ever experience.
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