The Steam version of Dungeon Defenders recently got a sweet bit of DLC with brand-new characters. There’s a female Squire (the Countess), female Apprentice (the Adept), male Hunter (the Ranger) and female Monk (the Initiate). It’s not just a clever re-skinning, folks; they’re brand new characters with completely new stats and abilities!
Those who purchase and have purchased the DLC will now find that an eight-player Uber Monster Fest has now been unlocked! It’s a lot like the Moster Fest you’ve come to know and love, but dialed up for eight-player madness with an insane ramp up of difficulty and the only way to play eight-players co-op as of yet in the game.
Dungeon Defenders has been quite the ride with many players falling head over heels for the looting madness, and it’s been absolutely fantastic to be a part of. In fact, the community is so passionate about the game, they’ve created their own way to trade items called www.defendersstore.com.
It’s a well-developed, community supported auction house. As a thank you, we’re adding links to the store into the game, making it even easier to trade your beloved loot.