Atelier Rorona – E3 Screenshots

Atelier Rorona – E3 Screenshots

Atelier Rorona is all new alchemy RPG developed by Gustthe creators of Mana Khemia and Ar tonelico series for the Ps2. This all new game adopts a breathtaking anime 3D graphics while retaining the classic RPG feel of the Atelier series. Players can spent countless hours adventuring unexplored lands and synthesize rare items.


Anime RPG: The combination of high definition anime 3D and 2D art is stunning. Atelier Rorona raises the bar for all J-RPGs in story telling.

Battles: Characters fight and interact as if the game is an anime

Alchemy: Your mission is to make the rarest item in the entire alchemy world! You can spend countless hours exploring the fields and dungeons for key ingredients.

VN:F [1.9.16_1159]
Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)
Atelier Rorona - E3 Screenshots, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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