Chronotwins is based around the unique idea of time travel. You must control both your past and present-time self at the same time, while defeating an alien menace that must be destroyed in the past and present simultaneously.
You must travel through 15 different time zones, each guarded by a boss. Each level is plagued with enemies, puzzles, and obstacles you must overcome. Certain power-ups will allow the player to stop one time period while they advance in the other.
A special Danger system is used to warn you of any impending danger that may be approaching in the other time period.
CT does not have a release date at this time.
Like its last release, Little Red Riding Hood’s: Zombie BBQ, developer Enjoyup is filling a void with incredibly stylish 2D games. LRRH:ZBBQ is a 2D shooter in the same fashion of Mercs for Sega Genesis, but you play a disgruntled Little Red Riding Hood who kills zombies. The title may sound awkward, but the game is nowhere close to being that way.
Pixel Perfect Gaming is pleased to report on these exciting titles by Enjoyup.
You can visit EnjoyUp’s website for the latest on their games– website