Military Madness: Neo Nectaris Contest at Hudson’s Forums

Military Madness: Neo Nectaris Contest at Hudson’s Forums

Hudson Entertainment is really getting behind their new Military Madness: Neo Nectaris for iPhone/iPod Touch.  Hudson is running a contest on their forums that is free to participate in, all you have to do is tell them in a post why you are deserving of the rank of General.  You can post about your experience with Military Madness games, or other strategy games that you have played.

What is up for grabs in this contest?  A free copy of Military Madness: Neo Nectaris for iPhone and an iPod Touch and a chance to write a column the “General’s Journal” that will run on Hudson’s site.  Here is some information on the GJ column for those interested:

Hudson is looking for an all-star Military Madness strategy buff to write the upcoming “General’s Journal” feature that will run on the Hudson Entertainment website. The writer will play through the entire game (all 48 levels!) and document their experience, level by level. The feature will include specific information about their strategy, difficult areas in the game and how the objectives were accomplished.

Hudson forums

This contest ends on October 20th, so don’t lollygag around, get over there and put in your best war stories!


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  • Nannette Mudra

    Wow, I searched AOL for this, and got a great result. Thank you for this blog post!