Metal Slug Tactics — Confirmed 2022 Release for Nintendo Switch

Metal Slug Tactics — Confirmed 2022 Release for Nintendo Switch
Publisher Dotemu and developer Leikir Studio today announced Metal Slug Tactics, a grid-based tactical adaptation of the iconic run-and-gun METAL SLUGseries, is bringing the fight to Nintendo Switch during Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase presentation. News of Metal Slug Tactics’ Switch deployment follows the game’s previously confirmed arrival on PC via Steam, with both tours beginning in 2022.
The announcement brought new footage of frontline powerhouses Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma rolling out to battle from a headquarters packed with nods to the long-running series’ history. The team returns with their signature arsenal – including the reliable heavy machine gun and devastating SVX-15D Slugnoid mech – as they face down fresh tactical fights. Catch the squad in action, a look at their new SYNC attack, and a reunion with the formidable Aeshi Nero boss in today’s new trailer (found below).
Metal Slug Tactics is both a respectful homage to an all-time classic and an imaginative new way to celebrate the renowned series, channeling its timeless aesthetic through gorgeous pixel art and fluid animation. The game’s highly replayable battlefields pair shuffled layouts from hand-crafted terrain tiles with subtle roguelite elements, challenging fighters to adapt and overcome unpredictable clashes as they master dynamic, strategic combat. Players wield classic METAL SLUG weaponry, leveraging skill trees, perks, and a super attack-fueling adrenaline system to outwit and demolish flanks of the series’ signature villains. Metal Slug Tactics is wholly developed by Leikir Studio with support from Dotemu and access supplied by IP owner SNK.

Gameplay Reveal Trailer:




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