Publisher Assemble Entertainment and developer Team ADOM today announced the launch of a massive new update for their “modern-meets-classic” roguelike dungeon crawler Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos. The “Corruption and Hunger” update comes with two challenging new mechanics, two new playable classes — the Chaos Knight and the Troll, and a host of fixes and patches. Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is currently available in Early Access on Steam for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux. If that wasn’t good enough news for Adomites, the man behind the series, creator Thomas Biskup, will be live streaming via Twitch and YouTube today at 8:00 AM PST/ 11:00 AM EST!
With “Corruption and Hunger,” the dev team has implemented a wide breadth of fixes and gameplay improvements. The update also adds mechanics that introduce even more layers to an already rich experience, as well as offering a new class and a new race for players to experiment with: The Chaos Knight, who thrives by absorbing corruption, and the Troll, who comes ready to smash things, but requires a lot of food to keep those enormous muscles working. The update also adds prefixes and suffixes to the armor types, which allows for the creation of a staggering 200 million new items.
Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is a follow-up to the genre-defining roguelike title from 25-years ago! With challenging gameplay, permadeath, randomly generated levels, and more items, crafting, and skills than you can shake a severed limb at, Caverns of Chaos is a title that rewards multiple playthroughs and players who crave that “just one more run before bed” feeling.
Key Features in the “Corruption and Hunger” Update:
●New Mechanic: Corruption — Corruption will infect and mutate your character, regardless of class, which can cause nifty mutations and provide powerful new abilities — unless you absorb too much, in which case your character will morph into a quivering lump of ChAoS
●New Mechanic: Hunger — Traversing monster-infested dungeons requires nourishment, but due to scarce food supplies, keeping your brave warriors from getting “hangry” and lashing out is a full-time gig
●New Class: The Chaos Knight — Much like the Incredible Hulk, the Chaos Knight gets power from the Corruption that infests the dungeons, acquiring new abilities, mutations, and strength — just don’t absorb too much, lest you devolve into a useless wad
●New Race: The Troll — The perfect class for players who like a ton of destructive power, the troll is ready to bash, smash, and crash its way through the deep dark. Just remember to keep a lot of tasty food on hand, as this level of physical might requires plenty of energy to march onward
●New Crafting Feature: Prefixes and Suffixes — With the latest update comes a prefix/suffix system for armor, which means a whopping 200 million potential unique items for players to experiment with, which means no build is ever the same!
April Update Trailer:
Release Trailer:
Announcement Trailer: