From E3 to Anime Expo to Gamescom and to our most recent convention, PAX West, we’ve spent the whole summer taking the demo for Trails of Cold Steel III all over the world and sharing it with fans and press alike. Now everyone will have a chance to play one of the most highly anticipated RPGs of the year, because the Trails of Cold Steel III demo is available NOW on PlayStation Network! Experience the entire prologue chapter, then carry over your save data to the full game upon release*!
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III launches October 22, 2019 in the US and Europe, and October 29 for Australia and New Zealand. PlayStation Plus users can save 25% off the Digital Deluxe Version by preordering on the PlayStation Store before launch on October 22 and receive 22 additional cosmetic DLC items for the price of a standard version of the title.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Official Website:
Story Trailer: