Tow Truck
We’ve added the much requested tow truck, which you are now able to call in once you’ve completed selected police callouts. In order to do so, you will need to stand next to a suspect’s vehicle and left click.
Suspect Transport
Suspect transport is now available for police to call in. Once you have arrested a suspect, you now have the option to request suspect transport to take them back to the police station for you. This option is accessible via the NPC interaction menu.
New Mugging Callout
A brand new callout is now available for the police department, in which you are tasked with retrieving lost property following a mugging. You’ll have to chase the suspect on foot, and return the stolen item to the victim.
New Fight Callout
A second new callout arrives for the police department in today’s update! This one sees a fight break out between two civilians, with you having to approach and break up the brawl.
Bug Fixes:
- ● Fleeing suspects are no longer restricted to using pedestrian crossings when crossing a road
- ● Objective markers now appear once a multiplayer callout has been accepted
- ● Fixed an issue where 2 NPCs spawned within each other in multiplayer
- ● Missions will now be cancelled if a player changes role or is submerged in water with a suspect in the vehicle
- ● Cloud movement speed reduced
- ● Fixed an issue with player department roles not updating correctly in multiplayer
- ● Disabled chat input while loading
- ● Tasers now visible to all players when equipped
- ● All translations updated
- ● Aggressive driver callouts now spawn closer to players again
Official Website: http://www.flashinglightsgame.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/605740/
“Briefing” – Launch Trailer:
Dev Diary #2 – Closed Alpha Feedback and Steering Wheel: