The Council: Episode#3 – Now Available

The Council: Episode#3 – Now Available

The third episode of The Council, the narrative adventure game redefining the genre with RPG mechanics and consequences for every choice, releases today for all Complete Season and Season Pass owners.

Episode 3: Ripples continues the story of Louis de Richet as plots are laid bare, characters reach their breaking points, and an unexpected, terrifying truth is uncovered. It will take all of Louis’ influence to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

The Council has already enthralled players and press alike with a deep and captivating story featuring intricate characters and smart writing. The innovative concept brings the genre beyond its boundaries and allows for meaningful choices with impactful consequences.

Who will you side with? Who can you trust? Your fate is still yours to make.

Ripples releases July 26th on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Complete Season owners on Steam and consoles, and Season Pass owners on consoles can play Episode 3 now with a two day head start, as well as early access to all upcoming episodes. Note that Episode 1: The Mad Ones, is required to play Episode 3.

The Council Episode 3: Ripples, is available today on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

The Complete Season will include a total of five episodes, with new episodes releasing regularly in 2018.


Episode 2: “Hide and Seek” Trailer:


Accolades Trailer:



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