Have you ever played a game with so much depth, that you can’t help but wonder how it was put together in one cohesive package? Well, today the development team at AurumDust has a new video for you to check out that highlights not only how they put together their narrative-RPG, Ash of Gods, but also showcases key team members who have put hours, days, even years of their life into the game’s creation.
We invite you take a few minutes and watch this “Meet the Team” video, and see the passion that everyone’s put into the creation of Ash of Gods.
In this new video, you’ll be introduced to the lead game designer, composer, art director, and the head of the AurumDust team! Learn how each piece of the development process fits together to create one amazing visual and aural gaming experience!
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aurumdust/ash-of-gods
“Meet the Team”:
Ash of Gods Intro: